Interactive guide to wheat production problems
Our objective is to provide wheat producers a mobile-friendly interactive diagnostic key for determining the likely cause of plant stress and accessing useful management resources at the field level.
Our objective is to provide wheat producers a mobile-friendly interactive diagnostic key for determining the likely cause of plant stress and accessing useful management resources at the field level.
The overall goal of this module is to connect growers with foundation seed dealers via a web-based or online directory based on a grower’s farm location and variety interests. The creation of such a directory allows for the tracking of customer needs and help identify key factors influencing variety selection. Currently, the Kansas Certified Seed Directory is produced in print on a yearly basis and available through University and Extension outlets in addition to a digital version (PDF file) that can be downloaded from the internet.
This module aims to provide the Kansas and Oklahoma Crop Improvement Associations with a web-based resource to track applications submitted by certified growers, assign inspectors to applications, and notify users of changes in application status using We built this application as part of an existing web-based system, called, which functions as a decision support system that promotes Extension tools and resources among crop managers.